
Staatsexamen and doctorate in chemistry

  • German Patent Attorney
  • European Patent Attorney
  • European Trademark and Design Attorney
  • CEIPI Diploma “Patent Litigation in Europe”


  • patent application procedures, oppositions, appeal proceedings
  • expert opinions on legal validity and infringement of IP rights
  • nullity and infringement suits
  • strategic consulting
  • chemistry
  • pharmaceutics
  • precision engineering, optics
  • manufacturing engineering
  • agriculture, food
  • medical engineering, laboratory equipment
  • transport
  • environmental technology
  • consumables
  • basic materials

Dr. Thomas Godemeyer was a member of the examination committee for the European Patent Attorney examination for more than 13 years.

Dr. Thomas Godemeyer studied chemistry in Marburg and earned his PhD there. He holds a CEIPI diploma “patent litigation in Europe” from the University of Strasbourg. Dr. Godemeyer became a chartered European patent attorney in 1992 and a chartered German patent attorney in 1993. After training as a patent attorney in the firm of Kreisler Selting Werner Dr. Godemeyer worked from 1993 to 2000 as a self-employed patent attorney. In 2000 he founded with three other colleagues, the firm Sternagel Fleischer Godemeyer & Partner, Patentanwälte later renamed Fleischer Godemeyer Kierdorf & Partner, Patentanwälte. From 2000 to 2013 Dr. Godemeyer was active in this firm as a patent attorney and partner. In 2014 Dr. Godemeyer founded with two other colleagues the company Godemeyer Blum Lenze Partnerschaft, Patentanwälte and works since then in this firm as a partner and patent attorney.

Dr. Thomas Godemeyer